02 Aug


What is PUWER?

According to the HSE, the main aim of PUWER is to ensure that work equipment doesn’t result in health and safety risks, regardless of its age, condition or origin.

Simply put, PUWER helps to keep your workforce safe. It ensures the safety of all equipment and machinery that is operated within a workplace environment – whether that is a factory, warehouse, construction site, office, retail or care home. In order to maintain compliance with the regulation, organisations should undergo regular PUWER inspections to ensure that their equipment is safe to use.

What does PUWER stand for?

So, what does PUWER stand for? PUWER is the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. And if you’re wondering if the regulations apply to your business, the HSE states the following: “If you are an employer or self-employed person and you provide equipment for use at work, or if you have control of the use of equipment, then the Regulations will apply to you”.

Why is PUWER important?

Keeping workers safe at work should be the aim of every organisation. When it comes to industries where the risk of harm is higher due to the use of equipment or machinery, this aim is even more important. To put that into context, according to the HSE, 135 workers were killed in work-related accidents in 2022/23, while employers reported 60,645 non-fatal injuries during the same period.

What does PUWER cover?

PUWER covers all equipment that is used in a workplace. When it comes to the specific PUWER inspections, they vary according to the equipment in question and the potential risks. As a rule, regardless of the item, an inspection should include visual checks, functional tests and testing, looking at the type of equipment, where it is used and how it is used.

As an example, when a pallet truck is PUWER-inspected by a competent person – such as an Engineer Surveyor from HESL – they will conduct a visual and functional inspection of the hydraulic system, lifting linkage, brakes, tiller handle position, decals, and general structure of the pallet truck.

Once the PUWER inspection is over and has passed, you’ll receive a report detailing the inspection and outcome.

What is the purpose of a PUWER inspection?

As mentioned, PUWER mandates that all equipment used in a workplace is safe to use – keeping employees safe from harm and mitigating risk. The purpose of a PUWER inspection is to ensure the equipment and machinery in question is always compliant with the PUWER regulation.

In addition to regular inspections, employers must ensure the following:

  • The equipment is fit for use, purpose and the conditions in which it will be used
  • The equipment is well-maintained
  • Inspections are carried out by a competent person to ensure the equipment’s ongoing safe use

What equipment is covered in PUWER?

When it comes to PUWER, any equipment that is used by your employees at work is included in the regulation. This includes hammers, knives, ladders, drilling machines, power presses, lifting equipment or dumper trucks.

The HSE breaks this down as follows:

  • Toolbox tools – like hammers and handsaws
  • Single machines – such as drilling machines, circular saws, photocopiers
  • Apparatus – such as laboratory equipment like Bunsen burners
  • Lifting equipment – such as hoists, lift trucks, and elevating work platforms. You can find out more about lifting equipment and LOLER in our blog ‘What is a LOLER Inspection’
  • Other equipment – such as ladders, pressure water cleaners
  • A series of machines connected together – such as a paper-making line

How often should PUWER testing be done?

Due to the sheer variety of equipment and machinery covered by the regulation, the frequency of PUWER inspections also varies. It also depends on where the equipment is being used (i.e. in a harsh environment) and the rate of deterioration from one inspection to the next.

As guidance, the HSE states: “The frequency of inspections should be based on how quickly the work equipment or parts of it are likely to deteriorate and therefore give rise to a significant risk. This should take into account the type of equipment, how it is used and the conditions to which it is exposed”.

How can HESL help?

Hutcheon Examination Services (HESL) has a team of professional engineer surveyors who not only have the qualifications to perform PUWER inspections for organisations in a range of industries, but they have the experience to make the process as smooth and streamlined as possible.

Our approach is as follows:

  • We work to your schedules, making sure your organisation can continue its normal operations with minimal interruption
  • We do not cut corners. It’s always safety first and we deliver PUWER inspections to the highest standards
  • We provide all the documentation you need, before and after your inspection, including reminders for upcoming examinations and the required post-inspection reports for your compliance records

Our engineer surveyors are supported by our central planning department who will take care of the admin around your inspection, from booking your first PUWER inspection to sending reminders and being available to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us today if you’d like to learn more about streamlining your next PUWER inspection. We’re here to help!

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Should you require more information about the services we offer please feel free to contact us directly or fill out our enquiry form.

Office Address

Unit 26, Youngs Industrial Estate, Paices Hill, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4PW


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Tel: 0118 981 1773


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We Are Proud To Hold The Following Accreditations

Personable, Professional, Efficient & Friendly

I have had the pleasure of working alongside Hutcheon Examination Services for over a year now and I cannot fault their high end quality of work and professional attitude all mixed in with the personal time business approach to customer satisfaction. I have regular dealings with both Suzanne and Claire and my queries are always dealt with swiftly and efficiently. I know that I can rely on the admin team to ensure that the inspections are carried out within a timely manner and that we maintain compliance of our stock. I have also dealt with Peter and Lynne and every time an issue needs resolving, they have not disappointed. The feedback we have received from our residents is that the engineers are both friendly and informative about what they are doing. I would not hesitate in recommending HESL to any organisation. Thanks Team!
- Janina Haisman, Green Square Accord

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